Friday, 21 October 2011


I'm flying out to Melbourne tonight for a work conference. It's only a 3 night trip, and it's going to be super busy! I think I need to skip out on a couple lectures, just so I can get some 'me' time in! I have managed to enter a fun run on sunday (Spring into Shape) and then a visit to my grandma on the monday.

I spent last week in the NT, which was great. The road we were supposed to be leaving on is impassable after rain - so guess what? We had massive storms on the thursday night, before we were supposed to be leaving on the friday! We ended up going a different way (which was a pretty epic drive), but we needed to wait until saturday so that we could travel with a second car. If you get stuck out there no one will find you for days. We have a sat phone, but it was still nice to follow someone who knew the road!

My biggest concern was having to extend my running break! I can't run in communities - too many dogs, plus issues with being a girl and not being able to travel around by myself. Occasionally I will use an airstrip, but normally I just allow for a rest week. I did a lot of strengthening exercises so I didn't go completely nuts from no exercise!

There's definitely been no rest since I got back! The week so far:

Tues (am): easy 7km
Tues (pm): 1km reps with about 30 sec recovery (we were doing them on 4:30 cycles)
Wed: swim 1km (I've only just started swimming again, I'm pretty unfit! It's amazing how much better my legs felt afterwards though) and walking to/from the pool
Thur: 14km trail run
Fri (today): Speed session (500m, 1000m, 1500m then repeat) + 5km extra at the end + swim + walk home

The plan for the weekend is an easy run tomorrow morning, maybe use the hotel gym tomorrow night, then the fun run on sunday. It will be great to see where my fitness is at!

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